Get instant access to English, math and science resources. Powered by the world’s leading AI teaching and learning platform, our resources are suitable for Years 3-11 and aligned to the national curriculum.Scholastic has put together online resources for PreK-9th grade. They also have resources for families section with printables, documentaries, and a section for 3-6th grades that has trivia and scheduled chats with authors.Kids can listen to astronauts read them a story or watch a science lesson.“Grab some paper and pencils, pens, or crayons. We are going to doodle together and explore ways of writing and making ” -Mo WillemsSteve Spangler is recommended by the Infinity Science Center as someone for kids to watch and learn science. He’s the original Mentos in Coke eruption guy. He’s doing a science video daily.

The Lamar County Library System, in partnership with the Mississippi Library Commission is excited to offer the Learning Express database of study guides, practice tests, and other educational resources!Apply for college financial aideApply for Mississippi state aide for college.HippoCampus has free videos aimed at middle schoolers to college students.Click this link as a practice for the EXACT questions on the DMV test.

Parental GuidanceDyslexia resources to support homeschooling, families and teachers.An article from WeAreTeachers with some amazing ideas for virtual field trips.100’s of at-home activities for families from MommyPoppins.“Our list of Boredom Busters includes over 100 fun (and mostly free) activities that you and your kids can enjoy at home.” by familyeguideLibrary Events
View all Events for children.View all Events for teens.